Whether you are pumping iron in the gym or exercising out in the hot sun it is crucial to have the appropriate post recovery drink immediately after exercising. Dr. Michael Lange says that most athletes are not replenishing the valuable nutrients necessary after any type of exercise or athletic event to allow maximum full recovery. Most recovery drinks are filled with synthetic nutrients, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, dyes and added sugar. It is crucial to replenish your body with the proper fuel after a workout. Post recovery drink should contain all the electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and iprotein necessary to fully recharge and recover form your workout. Here is Dr. Langes Post recovery Strawberry Banana whey smoothie. This is delicious and the perfect post recovery fuel.
1/2 cup frozen organic strawberries
1 banana
1 cup of coconut water
1 pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt
1 scoop of Fortifeye Super Protein (vanilla works best) or 1 scoop of Fortifeye Grass Fed Whey Isolate.
1/2 cup of ice and blend for five seconds.
For maximum enhancement in recovery, muscle synthesis and strength add one scoop of Fortifeye Fit to this smoothie.

This combination gives the ideal ratios of the crucial nutrients necessary to recover after any type of workout. The organic strawberries give valuable polyphenols, anthocyanins and carbohydrates. The banana is a great carbohydrate packed with potassium and many other vitamins. Coconut water is filled with vitamins and minerals, specifically magnesium and potassium to aid in re hydration and recovery. Pink Himalayan sea salt is filled with minerals and the crucial sodium necessary after hard workout. The body needs these carbohydrates after a workout to replenish muscle glycogen that has been burned off. The body also needs the fasting most bio available non denatured whey protein to aid in recovery of the muscles. This combination will enhance recovery and ultimately allow for increased muscle synthesis, strength and endurance.